
I cannot log in while off campus. What should I do?

Charles Swartz -

If you are attempting to login to SimplyAnalytics while outside of the IP address limits (remotely), you will be prompted with an error message.

Many of our customers are using SimplyAnalytics at a university or public library. If this is the case, in order to access your account from off campus (or outside of the library) you need to access SimplyAnalytics through the proxy server of the library.

For university customers, this involves remotely logging in to the university library system using your student username and password and then accessing SimplyAnalytics through the list of databases on the library website. For specific instructions please contact your university librarian.

For public library customers, this involves remotely logging in to the public library servers using your library username (often library card) and password and then accessing SimplyAnalytics through the list of databases on the library website. For specific instructions please contact a librarian at your public library.

Please note that while most public libraries have remote access to SimplyAnalytics, some do not.

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